•  ATXMI hase access to 17 distribution centers nationwide
  • $6.50 for shipping
  • Free shipping over $75 
  • Deliveries 5 days a week for additional convenience
  • Exceptional distribution capabilities you can count on through expert shipping with UPS, FedExGolden State Overnight
  • Freight Charges Deduction: When you return items, the cost of freight charges (shipping costs) will be subtracted from the total credit you receive. This means that you won’t get a full refund if you paid for shipping initially.
  • Salable Condition: To qualify for a credit upon returning items, all items must be in a condition suitable for resale. This means they shouldn’t be damaged or used in a way that makes them unsellable.
  • Original Packaging: Items must be returned in their original packaging. This ensures that the products are protected during transit and are in the same condition as when they were originally shipped.
  • Full Purchased Unit of Measure: Items should be returned in the same quantity or unit of measure in which they were originally purchased. For example, if you bought a dozen items, you should return a dozen items, not more or less.
  • No Defacement: Items must not have any markings, handwriting, or other forms of defacement on their packaging. This condition likely ensures that the products can be resold without any issues.
  • Restocking Fees: A $20 restocking fee applies to returned items, and your refund will be processed once the item has been successfully restocked at our warehouse
  • Privacy Policy: At ATXMI, we utilize Stripe for processing our payment demands. For details regarding privacy policy, please refer to the information provided below https://stripe.com/privacy
  • A Flexible Spending Account (FSA, also called a “flexible spending arrangement”) is a special account you put money into that you use to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs.
  • You don’t pay taxes on this money. This means you’ll save an amount equal to the taxes you would have paid on the money you set aside.
  • Employers may make contributions to your FSA, but they aren’t required to.
  • With an FSA, you submit a claim to the FSA (through your employer) with proof of the medical expense and a statement that it hasn’t been covered by your plan. 
  • Then, you’ll get reimbursed for your costs. Ask your employer about how to use your specific FSA.
  • Using an FSA for buying eligible products helps you manage healthcare costs effectively.